Live Victoriously! 724.263.7147 | Now Meeting at Hilton Garden Inn Pittsburgh|

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

//Men’s Fellowship Breakfast
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Men, join us for our first ever men’s fellowship breakfast featuring speaker Jim Delong!

Join us Saturday, April 27 at 9:30am for a fun time of fellowship, food, and faith!

Cost: $6 at the door

Jim DeLong has been in ministry since 1974, touching lives with a message of hope and faith: a message of hope that God is greater than any adversity you may face and a message of faith that nothing is impossible to those who believe. Jim’s message is relevant for today. It stirs the heart, helps answer life’s questions, and draws people into God’s presence.

Jim also has a passion for helping others understand leadership from a biblical perspective. A master’s degree in Organizational Leadership has increased Jim’s ability to teach, train, and mentor leaders, be it in the home, at work, or in ministry.

Jim and his wife, Jean, have been married for 39 years and live in Fort Worth, Texas.